Saturday, December 18, 2010

DADT aids al-CIAdah and the Taliban. Isn't that a crime now? No, don't ask - or tell.I support laws which protect homosexuals but I'm afraid most Americans are too immature and backwards to serve in the military with them. It's sad but true.Exactly. Some seriously uninformed people believe that the president makes legislation, and that's ignorant of reality. Why didn't the gay GOPers file a lawsuit when Bush41 or Bush43 were in office. Oh, that's right, they're GOPers!Hundreds of thousands have served in the military since the beginning...If caught in a sex act they get dishonorably discharged, if not they every one else...2 1/2 years aboard ship we suspected?, a few who were gay, nothing was said and on we sailed!....They did their jobs we did ours! Now if they are asking to flaunt their ways I say keep them out...

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