Sunday, December 5, 2010


We can't afford to police our cities and many of us are jobless. We are losing our homes and freedom because the political mafia supports Israel with our kids' money and they always have plenty for rich Israel... DC is an occupied territory, and Israel is a crime in motion powered by our tax $$$...

On behalf of Israel, our taxes prop up every single dictator in the Mideast and around the world. We even overthrow good honest leaders who were, in spite of us, freely elected. Israel siphons more than $100 billion/year (direct and indirect "aid") which in turn generates more enemies for us and stifles any chances of peace. Sixty years of financing endless crimes, no wonder why we are so hated.

No money to fix our failing infrastructures and our debts are sky-high, but we always have billion$ for rich Israel and its servants? Like many other states, my state of Oregon is short $900,000,000, we are releasing prisoners early, cutting schools' funding, and laying off people. All this while Israel prospers with our stolen money, can we be more stupid?

Wake up!

o More about the $100 billion above. Anyone who denies the fact that Israel and its $200B GDP will collapse if we cut it off %100, is a liar, in denial, or an Israeli Firster. For example, Israeli oranges sell for less in NY because we subsidize them to grow and import them customs free. Our "aid" to Israel is many times more than the mere $3B it steals in direct military aid and more than the $4B we give to the dictators of Egypt and Jordan on Israel's behalf, and we are borrowing every penny of it from our kids.
o Israel has been associated in killing thousands of Americans (eg. Many thousands of American civilians used as collateral damage including the 3,000 killed on 9-11, thousands of GIs while fighting on behalf of, Sailors on USS Liberty, Alex Odeh, Rachel Corrie, Furkan Dogan, etc...)
o Israel spies on this country (eg. Pollard, Kadish, AIPAC+Steven Rosen+porn, Amdocs, etc...) then sells our secrets to Russia, China, etc... for "favors".
o Israel steals our taxes, hence their very high income
o Israel buys or blackmails our politicians with our taxes. The DNC and RNC mafias pretend to disagree on every issue. They even pretend to disagree on where the Sun rises and sets, but magically and blindly agree on supporting criminal Israel in spite of our Constitution.
o Israel uses our country as their toilet (search for "roberts olemert podium", "Paul Findley", "Netanyahu: America is Easy to Push Around", or "Mearsheimer Israel Lobby").

Please share this post with others, and demand that your Senator and/or Representative uphold the laws when it comes to Israel's heinous crimes. Peace!

PS. Feed your brain at counterpunch. Also, search for "confessions of an Economic Hit Man"

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