Friday, December 24, 2010

The only way to bring down oil prices was to use less. Then speculators who dont actually take delivery of oil, started their trickery. Now it doesnt matter if you conserve. You will pay as much as the speculators can get from it. The only real solution is to end speculation. If you want oil, you buy and take delivery. Opec can do what the want. They see demand going down. Speculators use every little hint at recovery to buy oil. That drives up the price.

I do agree, write your congressman and representative and let them know how you feel about your conservation efforts not having any affect on the gas price at the pump. Keep putting pressure on your government to do whats right for its citizens.It's the free marketplace folks. I find it funny the people who have the most to say about having a free and open marketplace cry the loudest when gas prices go up. You either pay it or you use less, that's what I did. I bought a hybrid car and now I use exactly half as much as I did before. You aren't entitled to the world's oil supply America, wake up. We wage war on terrorism, but every time you fill up, it's like putting a few cents into Bin Laden's cup. I'm sure all the people who give me a thumbs down are the very people I'm talking about.

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