Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thanks to the neocons all the money has been spent in TARP for those Wall St bums who must be laughing all the way to the bank.The most powerful country in the world needs only to sart a new war and plunder the oil and minerals of the country. claiming poor accounting.
HeeeeHaaaw.Republicans try real hard to understand what I'm saying ok you won't hear this on Fox News, if it does not bother you then you need to contact a doctor for a health evaluation - REPUBLICAN SECRET DONATIONS -Karl Rove is collecting millions from the Super Rich to buy the election in November. Republicans do not know who conrols their party anymore, they have become puppets of the super rich. Regan dismanteled government so the super rich could steal from America. He is responsible along with Bush for the near total distruction of the middle class. I am an independent why would I vote for a political party controled by GREED. FX News is pumping lies into the air, because it worked against Al Gore. I do not want to return to the disaster we just escaped from, nor do any of my friends. WHO ARE THE SUPER RICH DONORS? WHY DO THEY WANT TO STAY SECRET?

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