We are moving closer and closer to an inevitable collapse with each passing day.
The only people who are doing well in America are the Wall Street banksters who feed on taxpayer dollars and lots of free loans from the Fed.
When the collapse completes, you'll see people begging in many US streets for food.Is this a bearing fruit of Bernanke's dollar swap program? Not only will it drown US, but also every trading partners who has faith in US.Where is the middle class of people now?.... In America the middle class of people are gone or quickly becoming extinct.... There will be 'Poor Class' and 'Rich Class' ONLY..... For the past 3 decades nobody in Washington gave a rats buttocks about losing jobs, factories closing, out sourcing and "Made in America"..... And just look what it has done to the "once was" our great country.... Now we have the top 10% of wealthy Americans getting wealthier by more tax loop holes, CEO salaries, Stock Options, corporate greed... And the bottom 90% of Americans are quickly sinking and getting poorer by the minute.... With no chance to climb up the ladder of success because there are no good jobs available.... The American Dream is more and more like an American nightmare… And all the politicians sit in Washington and do nothing to "Bring our Jobs BACK HOME..... Oh yeah, open up small family business - Yeah, right... This is the backbone of America… If nobody has many money and need to shop at Wal-Mart for lower prices... How you get customers to your small retail store with high prices to spend money they do not have... Washington you just do not have the light switch turned on.... Where Made in AMERICA meant something on the global market.... And Washington blew smoke up every American buttock with the issue about ‘They could not place higher “Import Taxes” on imported goods into this country’ because 1) Other countries wouldn’t want to do business with us… (??) Well, wouldn’t this have kept manufacturing jobs here in America…. 2) And manufacturers of these imported goods would just pass these taxes on to the American consumer with higher prices… (??) Well, wouldn’t that have equaled the American labor wages to be more competitive against imported goods and kept all our manufacturing jobs right here at home… When are the American people going to wake-up and fully understand Washington, President and politicians just do not care about the American people… Washington has No Vision where to take this country into the future that would help the American people…. And now our country U.S.A. is in a world of dog poop pooh…. Middle class is just about gone… No chance for hope and the American Dream is gone…. Our economy is in a world of hurt with no chance to improve anytime soon… And everybody knows that Washington is really run on the ‘Good Old Boy’ buddy system, lobbyists and corporations giving big money to politician’s re-election campaign… This is how Washington really works… To clone a phrase ‘Do Nothing Congress’ ‘Pork Barrel Projects’ what a country we live in.. Washington should be really proud of the way they have ruined this country... And for the past 2 decades the Presidential campaigns have been run on “Change”… Especially Obama’s run for President was… “Change is Coming to the White House”… Well..(??), Where is the change..? So, how does this really help the average American have a better way of life, can feed his family, raise his children and enjoy life as an American…. Also to nobodies concern, the value of the America dollar on the global market is shrinking and is worth far less in the global economy… Why should the average America be concern about the value of the American dollar… Because when U.S.A. imports about 99% of what you buy at Wal-Mart from China you pay more and get less…. I think ALL Americans should just Stop Paying Taxes right now…. Why should we pay our politicians their salaries when they do not care about the American people… Washington “YOUR FIRED”….
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