Friday, December 24, 2010

Want to fix your system!!!!
Politicians are allowed only 1 term. For both Senators and Congressmen.
Ban lobbyists.

Then you end up with people that really want to do something great for there country.hey naive american citizens who eat the government's propaganda hook and sinker then want to die for our country from patriotism... don't waste your life supporting the elite capitalist ceo's who rake in hundreds of millions of dollars by firing tens of thousands of workers. our so called enemies are really not our enemies and our so called allies are really our competitors. officialdom is always full of crap.MONEY< MONEY< MONEY!! All these permits can be traced and should be! The companies and public servents and some people a little higher up should be revealed and any government connections should be removed from service and Qbama needs to explain, after a through investigation , to the American people what has happened!! The companies should be drummed out of business by the Obama adminstration or boycoted until they go broke! The only punishment metted out in this country is on the American people, little wonder that so many posts advocate revoltion!!Divide and conquer.

The polarization of America is planned and many of you are making it too easy for them.

If you use phrases like "liberal scum" and "conservative creeps," you are playing into the hand of the man behind the curtain.

As long as we are throwing pies at each other, we won't notice the crooks strolling out the front door with the cash register.Gee Whizz Boys!
Being two faced is the problem. Say one thing and do another. This surprises you.

The USA is a total fraud, no morals, no values, there word is useless.Just the Jews crying the BLUES!!! If the US Gov wouldn't listen to the Israelis we and the World would be in a lot better shape!!! Time to have a very close look at Israel & our policy towards that Terrorist Nation!!!!!!!

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