I'm sure Cheney didn't didn't think it was incumbent upon him to liquidate his Halliburton position (and he holds one hell of a position in that stock) knowing that their subsidiary KBR did business in Iran; and honestly neither would I. Coca Cola, Conoco Phillips, CAT, you name it. It ain't new news. For some reason they are really shutting it down this year. Hasn't effected my Komatsu or Fluor share prices in the slightest so whateva; but I'm not going to forgo a good investment just because the US government decided to turn a blind eye for so long. I'm a republican, and my tax money goes to pay Congress members' salaries. It's up to those idjuts to regulate business. I wonder about Palinistas that own that good ol' American tractor company CAT. Did they turn a blind eye knowing that Caterpillar sold tractors there, or were they too busy speaking in tongues to do their due diligence?So with unemployment well over 10% this holiday season, it doesn’t look like there will be any jobs wrapped in bows this year but we have the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the START treaty and a host of other issues Americans don’t care about. This Congress can’t leave Washington fast enough.Adrian "Uh, last time I checked, Iran was considered a "rogue" country that hates our guts."
Its GOVERNMENT is, not its people.
Bush said the people of Iran are not our enemy when he called the Iranian government part of the Axis of Evil.
Allowing American companies to do business with the Iranian people should be allowed.
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