Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why are the USA and a whole lot of people upset? What they have been doing is already known by those who follow global politics. The only problem now is that even the complacent majority know their dirty tricks.

I'm interested in improved governance, and these leaks reveal the duplicitous nature of not only US diplomats, but also representatives from other governments. What has been revealed is not good governance, thus WikiLeaks is performing a service – and a bloody good one at that.

And the US talk of extraditing Assange to their shores for a law he has broken. Um, okay, and what law is that? The US embassy said, “There are teams of lawyers working on it.” Working on what exactly? They just need to distort the dictionary a bit. To break the law, there first has to be a law that has been broken.

No one seems to know what that law is yet. But a country that can produce a definition of torture that is so wide ranging that torture is almost impossible to commit, I would think they would have trouble producing a law that has been broken.

One gets the impression laws do not apply to the US Government.

If a person receives classified information, he/she can release it with out breaking any laws, so long as they have not signed the 'secrets act'.

Open Government is not a bad thing.

It’s about time the Australian Govt. grew a backbone and stopped bowing to the US every chance they get.

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