Monday, January 10, 2011

9/11 was an inside job ..any body who doesn't believe this is in denial,mislead or just plane stupid ..There is no evidence of any kind till this day that links any of the alive or dead "hijackers" to Osama bin Laden.No evidence that proves that Osama bin laden was in any way responsible for the attacks except a video allegedly found in Afghanistan in which Bin Laden admitted responsibility for the attacks. This confession now is hardly cited as proof, because the man in this video has darker skin, fuller cheeks and a broader nose than Osama bin Laden in all other videos. And the conversion in which Bin laden and the other people in the video engage in is bin widely criticized ass not proof by many professional translators .What do you suppose the odds are....of say.... 2 airplanes hitting 2 buildings and those buildings collapsing into heaps leaving literally millions upon millions of pieces of paper, dust, steel, concrete, and rubble, and 2 FBI agents finding 2 ID's belonging to the 2 "terrorists" that piloted the planes....both having been through fireballs that will live in everyone's memory so long as they are alive...the subsequent collapses and fires....within 8 hours of the first plane hitting the first tower?
I'd say those odds are about as long as someone making millions of dollars betting that United and TWA's stocks would plummet (of all the airlines in the world) almost over night....and no investigation into who made that bet.

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