Monday, January 10, 2011

And you probably believe that Oswald was alone gunman who killed Kennedy. The government thrives because of people like you. You definately have no gripe when you are laid off and your job goes overseas.Uh no it hasn't. No matter how much you wish it was true, it's time to face the truth.Are they gonna use a jet, or a demolition co? You know, with effective as using jets are to bring down buildings inside their own footprint, you'd think they would consider using one of them to take down the bank!Too bad the Bush Administration is untouchable. They are to blame for all this death.911 Truthers are true patriots, I have no respect for anyone that has seen the facts and still sides with the governments official story. Truthers have the courage to speak out against evil for the good of the nation.That's an enlightened response, Chris. Calling someone who questions a questionable story an idiot. I can only assume this means that you don't believe ANY of the theories about what actually happened, meaning that you're buying everything the government has said about it? The government that continues to lie, cheat, and steal from the people on a daily basis... but yes, you're right. People that think for themselves are stupid.

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