Monday, January 17, 2011

Goldman is just a bunch of N.Y.Jew bankster theives who gamble with our tax dollars.....we bailed them out and now we should own them..they are NOT a you have a checking account with them?......i've never seen a branch or Goldman A.T.M...liars also...they are not a bank and we should own their Matt Taibiis Stones articleGoldman-Sachs: the real face of government (along with the Big Boy on Wall St and the Fed. Reserve)The real truth behind this is that Goldman does not want worthless US Dollars. They know that come March the dollar will tank and they don't want to be forced to honor trades with a currency that is worth less than toilet paper.You guys do know that China opened a bank in NYC so the people there can change in their dollars for their money China also just sent out a message to reporters what 3 days ago that the dollar will soon die You know where we are headed!Goldman is up to its thieving ways once again. If more than 500 individuals own this company stock thati it needs to report publically. the very guys who stole billions inthe bank bailout are at it again, stealing from the people of this country while Obama sits on his rear end counting his blood money.

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