Saturday, January 29, 2011

Man I thought this day would never come. It Boils my blood to know that my TAX $ go to fund the In-humane vulgar "state" that is called Israel. While our Poor ,Homeless, Veterans freeze to death in the snow, those Jewish @#$%s use our money to rape and kill innocent people. They have blockaded and literally killed an entire generation of Palestinians and the whole world has watched and said nothing. Enough is enough. As a Doctor, I can truly speak for the fact that life is truly the most valuable thing on earth. Israel is a stain on Life and humanity itself. God bless America.Way to go Rand!!! You have a pair of balls and are looking out for the American people!!!! Thank you!!! We should expel all others who support Israel. This is America, but some how Israel hijacked our country...look how many Israeli policy makers run our gov't ,but are loyal to Israel first....It's time to end it!Who the hell are you to say that the jewish people have no right to exist??? Really, that is just sooo stupid. I'm not sure Irish...but people eveywhere seem to hate the jews. I just don't get it.

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