Sunday, January 30, 2011

Of course I dont agree with people saying that he should have blown up the mosque but people are upset with the way the media coddles muslims and rights stories like these with misleading titiles. Just check out the next AP story about Sarah Palin or the Tea Party and just watch all the hate and calls for her death. At least conservatives are upset with muslims because of all the terrorism in the world that they are responsible for at a rate of about 99%!!!! Palin or the Tea Party at least love their country and havent hurt anyone even though tons of leftist immediately blamed her and the Tea Party and other conservatives within hours of the shooting. As it turns out conservatives had nothing to do with this idiot but it didnt stop liberals for wishing for Palins death. It goes both ways but you shouldnt feel the need to defend muslims over Americans just because your trying score political points. All muslims arent terrorist but all terrrorist acts seemed to be committed by muslims. Last attack was in Russia where I believe 100 people were blown up by some intolerant hateful people in the name of Islam!!!!!!!!!!!

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