The ones benefiting the most from higher interest rates are the banks and credit card companies not the individual saver with or without a job. We're getting our money stolen either way.The Nazi tea baggers are doing everything they can to help the republicans gain economic domination over the American people for the rich to exploit.
In turn the rich like the Koch brothers will help the tea baggers create a Christen Nation that forces social control using a constitution of their interpretation.
If you take up arms or kill the rich this will give justification to a tea bagger controlled government to crack down on dissidents the way that they are in Egypt.Well, the conservative faction posting here has actually amazed me with its idiocy this time around. You all are so caught up in your own bigotry that if a white man acts out of a similar hatred, and is rightly arrested for it, you cry foul and claim liberals are making it up. Based on what evidence? None, as usual. One of these days you people are going to have to start trusting facts. Can you imagine what the country would look like if that actually happened? Everyone would understand that Fox News is full of it, Bush and Cheney are war criminals and murder is murder no matter what race the murderer and murdered might happen to be. What a glorious beginning. But, hey, I'm a realist and I know this will never happen. Y'all ain't never gonna learn and every time some corrupt politician shows you a picture of the flag with a bald eagle in front of it you're going to continue to send your children off to war to make the guy rich. Then, when well-meaning souls try to get you to see the guy is a crook, you'll call them liars and some of you will bury your own denying the truth of why it had to happen. The world as it stands today, I'm afraid.
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