Monday, January 10, 2011

The Pentagon:

One of the most secure buildings in the world. It is covered with surveillance cameras, after all why not they have an unlimited military budget. What kind of security would you have if you had an unlimited budget?

Covered with cameras, if someone tried to break in they would be able to identify their face through video footage, but when a 400,000+ lb aircraft flies into it there is not one frame of the approaching aircraft. Not one.

Now you might say that it was traveling too fast to be captured. Okay.Let's say it was flying at the speed of sound which is about 343 meters per second. My video camera captures video at 30 frames per second, and I think it would be safe to assume the Pentagon's cameras are at least as good as mine. So if my camera capture vids at 30 fps, that means I would have one image of the aircraft approximately every 11-12 meters. The plane travels 343 meters in one second, and my camera captures 30 images per second. In 3 seconds I would have over 90 still frames. I have never seen one frame of an aircraft approaching the Pentagon. Nadda one.

Then if you look at the hole in the "C Ring" of the Pentagon the hole isn't even large enough to have been created by an airliner. It's simply too small. If an aircraft is going to punch through a wall the hole should be at least as big as the diameter of the plane.

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