Tuesday, January 25, 2011

privatized military forces comprised of soldiers that served in various regimes around the world should not exist in the US or anywhere for that matter. Erik Prince should be on trial for undermining nation military for profit. there is nothing patriotic about what he does.NO! I refuse to believe that the families of these men are being told that their case is being thrown out! I thought I lived in the United States! This is crap! If one of those men had been related to someone rich or powerful you can sure be the founder of Black Water would be paying out the nose! This is crap...another reason why the American people will lose faith not only in our justice system but in our government....this is a travesty and it is a sad day for ALL Americans.And at the root of Blackwater, is religion. Another killing machine for Jesus. Wow.So the end result of this story is simply put........if you have lotsa money, you can escape jail...period.Sad, A federal case. Loss of life and guilt there of. Out come? Nah, its about money. You go to a war zone and expect not to be shot at? Whatever. These guys are overhyped mercenaries, nothing more. They don't deserve btter protection than our troops and that is what these people are whining about.

ReplyI have a question. Do federal judges get paid a commission on fees that they bring in? Sounds like.

No money, no trial. The judge isn't going to waste his time if it doesn't put money into his pocket. What you you think he is? One of the "little people.".

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