Sunday, January 2, 2011

Still these clowns don't get it. Apparently the only thing that will wake up the Left is the total collapse of the currency. Who out there believes that increasing debt is the answer right now? Only those on the Left who treat their politics as a religion and believe anything their high priests tell them will buy this bull. Something must happen to the brain when you get inside that DC beltway. Is there a sign above the entrance to the city that reads ABANDON ALL COMMON SENSE ALL THEE THAT ENTER HERE.Aren't the Repubs being hypocrites? The federal debt ceiling was increased FIVE TIMES under GWB.

In fact, 49 of the last 50 federal budgets have been deficits. BOTH parties are responsible for the fiscal mess this country is in.

Enjoy living in a bankrupt nation? Thank a Democrat or a Republican!

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