Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why, exactly, is the Dow over 11,000? Have companies hired more employees to build products others are willing to buy? Has the government reined in decades of deficit spending? Have we as a nation become more considerate of others, willing to negotiate for mutual benefit instead of just demanding, sanctioning, and threatening? Finally, is there any logical reason why the market continues to hit new highs, other than blatant fraud and manipulation?

The largest bubble ever is staring us in the face-- it will burst.This is bad news for the US since every barrel diverted to China is one less for us. Since our energy policy is to restrict drilling and production, we will eventually have an energy disaster here, maybe as soon as 2011. Remember to blame the culprits..the politicians, not the oil and gas cos. The energy cos want to drill and make money, but Washington prevents it. It will be devastating for our economy.I hope and pray gasoline gets to 10. a gallon in the USA...maybe you stupid oil burning pigs might move closer to your jobs, get a scooter, ride the trains....IDIOTS......and why do you need a five ton, 3 mpg truck to haul your skinny wuss around? And you woman should be taken off the roads PERIOD! Insurance rates would fall by 75%

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