Before taking the country to war, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Powell told us these lies:
1. Iraq had WMDs
2. Iraq was an immediate threat to the US.
3. We would be greeted as liberators
4. Iraq oil revenue would pay for the reconstruction
5. Iraq was involved with 9/11
Now, the Shia control Iraq and are making alliances with Iran. This is what the CIA correctly calls "blowback". The Bushisms video on youtube shows you how smart Bush was.Mr. Powell, You need look no further than George Bush, Mr. Cheney, Mr. Rumsfield and Condoleeza Rice...THEY KNEW it was false info but it would allow Georgie to go after the man who threatened his Daddy !!! THEY used you Sir and YOU should be the one to stand up now and let them have it. They set you up because they knew that as a respected and influential man the people including the Democrats would back the war if you said it was for real....Time for you to come clean with the Republican followers and let them KNOW that they also were lied to and used and that the Republican Party is NOT honest with its followers. Please Sir; do the RIGHT things and come clean with American's; Bush and hiscronies have pushed this country into the worst shape it could ever be in and it will take SOMEone standing up and being honest to bring this country back together again. The Republican's have become devisionists and ALL about the Money staying in the hands of the Monied. This is NOT the America that gave YOU opportunities Sir and can never be again without honest talk from someone who KNOWS !!!
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