Friday, February 25, 2011

It was Dubya that called the US Constituion a "goddam piece of paper'.....
And gave us the UN-Patriot Act, Warrantless wiretaps, warrantless searches, indefinite detention without charges of US citizens....etc, etc, etc,..... can SEE how much HE loved the Constitution!!!

And....Prescott Bush, Dubya's grandfather financed the American Nazi party and was very good friends with Hitler....are THOSE the values you want to go back to??
If they are, we DO need an ARMED revolution NOW, and we need every repub DEAD!!!The United States Homeland Security Department recently announced decision to change the current Color Code System of Alerting the public of the various Terrorist Threat Levels established after the 9/11 terrorist attack during the former Bush administration.

This decision has been made due to the fact it has been determined that after two years under the Obama Administration it is apparent that the most dangerous enemy set out to destroy the United States are no longer outside of our boarders, they are in the White House ! ! ! !

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