Friday, February 18, 2011

one million dollars per soldier per year. * 150,000 troops equals the cost of health care and a bailout for every city and state in trouble in america.Clinton is the Taliban's single best argument for not educating women.Billions spent on aiding other countries causes towards democracy. Countries that hate the US. Heres the funny thing about this entire decade long problem... Trade center and pentagon are hit. No one claims it, so we blame Bin Laden who is associated with Al-Queda, who is associated with the Taliban. So we raid a country and try to liberate a them and bring them to of many islamic countries who do not like us. We cannot find Bin Laden, so we focus our attention on Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11 but supposedly had WMD. None were found, but hey, they were liberated right? 10 years later we are still in both these countries and Bin Laden (the supposed culprit) is still out there.
These war efforts are useless. These countries do not care about western culture. They hate it and hate us.
If it weren't for oil, they would be throwing sticks and stones at each other still. Pull everyone out and let the animals wipe themselves out. Start focusing on the issues at home.

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