Monday, February 14, 2011

There is a war on drugs going on? I still see plenty of strung out crack heads all over America. But they are probably up in Canada looking for the evil green plant of death. Over 1 ton of cocaine enters our border daily, and it only comes from one place. They never touch that supply. Wake up America.Drug war: Complete failure and total waste of taxpayer money. Some traitorous scumbags are getting wealthy from it, and they and the traitorous politicians that still support this policy should be shot dead for it.I thought we tried prohibition with alcohol? The "war on drugs" that dementia laden Ronnie Ray-Gun is over. Drugs won; So just accept the fact that you can't legislate morality.The most corruption in the US Law Enforcement collection is the DEA. De-fund that and we will save a lot of money. The obvious is to provide some legality to some drugs and stop this wasteful spending. But that will be more complicated. Start by abolishing the DEA. Let the Border Patrol patrol the borders. The DEA is horrible, IMO. I am sure there are dedicated officers within the ranks, but the "war" is hopeless, just like prohibition.Illegal weapons are smuggled from US to Canada
I saw Americans lining up at food stamps in Edmonton, AB
But I never hear Canada complain

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