Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gaddafi supported Scottish rebels, ohh , so did the scottish goverment have a reason to say he caused the Lockerbie bombing!! I have seen the BBC program on the evidence on Locerbie, there is not any!! The man was released before his appeal was heard, that is why he was released, not for his health!!! Why would the Scottish goverment say now, the case is still open!!!To use the terms revenge and vengeance to justify US meddling is humiliating to the US and mobilizing to Gaddafi. The US always presents itself as a superpower and world policeman and to remain silent all these years is rather belittling. A super power should react immediately when needed and to be afraid of a little dictator is beyond reason. This suggests that either the US is blowing out its ego or there is something else behind its silence, and either way it is not honorable. Obama declared that his intervention is to save civilians and if he wrapped his revenge with noble cause he is a hypocrite. Only cowards revenge when their enemy is weak.

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