Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yes you are right, he was terrible, he supported the people of South Africa when the West backed the racist government. He was against Saudi Arabia, a weirdo religious state with a government installed by the British and supported by the West that oppresses its people. The list can go on and on. The "evidence" specifically linking him to the bombing of that jet and the disco is flaky, otherwise he would have been dead long ago. The CIA boasted many years ago that it could manufacture evidence to cover anything - want to assassinate a guy? How do you want it to look - disease, accident, crazy lover, opposition assassin, drug overdose, poisoning. Whatever you want that is what you will get. Go ahead, borrow money from China to seek revenge against a guy who thought maybe it was unfair to kill and remove Palestinians from their land in order to colonize it. Bomb Libya, kill as many as you can, of course first make sure Europeans and North Americans are out of there. Screw any other nationals working in the country. The West has an admirable record of killing lots of people, their own as well as others, in the name of, well I don't know what in the name of, but if "revenge" is an acceptable motive we have a long period in which the non West in the world will be attacking us out of "revenge", because we have been doing most of the killing. By far.

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