Thursday, March 31, 2011

Levy and Sarkozy are both should we be surprised that they wanted to take out one of the few Arrab leaders to stand up for the Palestinians for years. Sadaam Hussein was the other.
Israel loves the fact that while Arabs are killing each other, the world's attention will shift away from the fact that Palestinian authorities were very near to declaring an independent state. So, if one asks who benefits from these varied revolutions going on - the answer will be Israel and her agent provocateurs, not to mention our own CIA and Obama who are in the pockets of Israeli Zionists and AIPAC.We have been told that Bush was wrong for going into Iraq and getting rid of an evil leader. Which caused a civil war. Now we see our Nobel Prize winning Pres has interceeded in a civil war and said killing their evil leader is not our goal. AND he wants the French to be in charge. I can really see how this is going to work out a lot better. Praise be to Obama for he shall organize all communities until we have true paradise. (Like Chicago is)
Hope and change, Hope and change, Hope and change, Hope and change, Hope and change, come on Todo, There's no place like home, There's no place like home, There's no place like home,

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