Monday, March 28, 2011

The rebels are getting supplies from the U.S. Brand new uniforms, brand new baseball caps. All shown in the photos of AP.

Americans were not evacuated while every other nation was evacuating. Why? Because then the CIA undercover agents will have no more excuse to stay there.

Since the incident started, entire U.S. propaganda is producing ultra biased one sided "stories". They only quote rebels' "touching" speech, but not once to quote the loyalists'. They only show rebels' "heroic" photos, but not once to show the other side's. They always blame Gadhafi for every death and violence, but never once mentioned that the rebels were attacked everyone that's the reason why foreigners were evacuating. Not to mention, nothing would happened at all if the rebel didn't start it in the first place.
The U.S. always hated Gadhafi, and now wanted the rebel to win though daily propaganda in ALL news outlet. That's enough evidence. If the rebel can't win on their own with just aid, then the U.S. will jump in itself. That's more evidence.

CIA's major operations are always the creation of oppositions in the countries that refuse to bow down to the U.S.

When ALL "free press" news propaganda are taking the same side instead of actually reporting without bias, you should know something is fishy.

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