Saturday, April 9, 2011

Absolutely. The West especially America should look themselves first before crowing about human rights and they have. Fact is "Human Right" to these self-righteous claiments and "conscience" to save people is but a slogan and an excuse for their own self-interest.

These are hypocrites who'll bully if they they think they can get away with it. So if you are weak, defenseless and can be intimidated like like Libya, then it is "No Fly Zone"!

Moammar Ghadafii is a fool who simply never learn. He was once on the receiving end of cruise missiles and in case people have forgotten it was used against him. Under the pretext of taking out his "chemical plant" his "milk powder" factory was bombed instead by Ronald Reagan.

If anything people should know by now you cannot be nice or trust those who seek to dominate. These countires have a history of "colonizing" the weak and they will continue to do do. The only thing that will deter them is strength. And that mean "The Bomb"!

You got the bomb they'll cry, whine and complain. But they won't mess with you! Your sick, elderly plus women and children won't have to run, hide and die from cruise missiles - Guaranteed!

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