Saturday, April 9, 2011

Associated Press writers Isolda Morillo, Christopher Bodeen and Alexa Olesen contributed to this report: someone "felt" detainment coming....The United States will never stop supporting human rights because we believe in the fundamental struggle for human dignity and justice wherever it may occur," Huntsman

Is this a brainwash to the public by AP to Praise US public image at the sametime to demonize China.

How many people disappear around the globe during the wars of Iraq & Afghan, in the name of War for Terroi..?

While AP and some US politician demonizing other for “human right”, does one just forget that US have just jailed and had detainment of Thousands of human lifes for years without even a single trail at Guantanamo Bay.

ISn't US and his helper just crack down and jail founder of Wikileasks whom reported the truth fact of the dirty wars and the crime of the US boots on the ground, the the act of spy of Hillary & US state department on UN representative of every country .

All know US start the war at Iraq for oil & lie, thousand of innocent life were lose, family broken, where is the human right of these people? Where is AP to interview the wifde or child whom lose their father?

Even worst where is AP,?? When Caught on camera per info. of Wikileaks , all had saw US military team had randomly kill regular civilian and news reporter on the street of Iraq. Just wonder where is the prove of US "support & believe in the fundamental struggle for human dignity and justice wherever it may occur,"??

Where Chinese leadera, in the past 30 years have pull 1.3 B of mankind's fe from dirt poor to 2nd largest economy body. In war & at Earthquake, Chinese government has spend great resources & effort to ship each and everyone of her citizen, poor or rich, out of danger zone.. Isn't that funny per AP?

1st of all, AP has already making political attack even before AP is not sure if the detainment ever happen?

2nd, it is not clear to all whether Ai is suspected economic crimes or it is a political detainment,

It would be good if AP first to seek out the truth before making political attack via, selective, bias, one-sided, negative reporting.

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