Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Nazi Pope Ratzinger, upset many Jews with a statement in 1987 that Jewish history and scripture reach fulfillment only in Christ — a position denounced by critics as “theological anti-semitism”. He made more enemies among other religions in 2000, when he signed a document, Dominus Jesus, in which he argued: “Only in the Catholic church is there eternal salvation”.ANYONE that can read, can read the atrocities of the early Papal church, they murdered and tortured thousands of "christians" who fought against popery, and all the demented ways of cheating unfortunate and ignorant people out of their last dimes, or last money. for prayers, for forgiveness, for all kinds of things that ONLY God himself can give. The Catholic church has gone to great legnths to fill her overflowing coffers with money, gold, and worldly goods. For anyone who does NOT know or has not read, just read about Jerome, Huss, Martin Luther, and many other Europen reformers that taught the ignorant pheasants from the Bible itself, so they would stop thinking they had to pay the church for even a prayer, or to get to heaven. The Catholic church in the dark ages burned thousands of reformers at stakes, and murdered thousands more. those that taught against cheating the poor and taking over the job of God himself. Those that tortured Christians for NOT recanting their belifs in a just and fair God who required neither priests nor the pope to pray for them, nor did he charge them anything but their love and faith in order to forgive and justify them. Dont worry about the Germans and the Jews, the Jews were given Gods love and forgiveness if they would only embrace him and love him in return. they needed NO pope either. The Pope is neither necessary nor the "vicar of God", He is a pretentious arrogant old man living lavishly, and decieving the people. HE is NOT the way to the heart of God. Earnest and loving prayer IS!!!

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