Saturday, April 16, 2011


The “Secular Europe Campaign” is an annual effort that sees many diverse groups united in demanding an end to religious privileges and asking that the European Institutions must remain secular.
Started in 2008, this Campaign has a special focus on the Vatican, given the enormous political and economical power it holds, but aims at representing all the issues around secularism and human rights, including opposition to state-funded faith schools, rejection of religious tribunals and support to equal rights for LGBT citizens.

We promote:
freedom of religion, freedom of conscience and freedom of speech
women’s equality and reproductive rights
equal rights for LGBT people in all the European Union
a secular Europe – immune to the Vatican’s agenda
one law for all, no religious exemptions from the law
state neutrality in matters of religion and belief

We oppose:
the privileged status of the churches under Article 17 of the TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)
the special status of the Vatican in the United Nations
state-funded faith schools
the economic privilege and political influence of the Vatican

In past editions this Campaign has been titled “NO VATICAN – London for a Secular Europe” and was supported by the British Humanist Association, the Central London Humanist Group, the Gay And Lesbian Humanist Association, the National Secular Society, One Law for All, OutRage!, the Rationalist Association.
The main event of the Campaign is a March & Rally in central London (in September), to demonstrate peacefully and joyfully the desire of living in an inclusive liberal society.

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