Sunday, April 3, 2011

ok... to say catholics and then telling us the others are scum... isnt that just what you think? I bet there are more non catholics who consider catholics scum.... cults are also = cultTo understand what is going on in Ireland it is helpful to watch the movie"The Wind That Shakes The Barley" It is set in the 1920's and really shows the real picture.
As far as anyone thinking that the Irish are thugs or are acting like Bad muslims just don't understand the Irish at all.They lived generations of this hatred and you can't just get over it in 12 years.
The Irish as a whole are a very wonderful people. Very warm and accomodating. Some of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The whole of Ireland tries to live in peace, but sometimes it's past will catch up with them. Don't judge the entire nation on a few problem makers. I'm sure there are some southern US citizens who still wish the south had succeeded from the union. That doesn't make the south a bad place. Really, it's time for Britain to give Northern Ireland back to the Irish. This is really getting rediculous!

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