Saturday, April 9, 2011

The USA is NOT a democracy. It is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. I challenge you to find the word "democracy" in the Constitution. The founders feared democracy would devolve into fascism. We have been transformed into a democracy for the last 100 years, now look at us.There is no absolute democracy in the control of the government, only the relative freedomTotally agree with you Dorothy. This has become a plutocracy and an oligarchy, what is known as a plutarchy since it is the rule by a wealthy few. At this point, it's also fairly corporatist in that corporations do have a huge influence, even more so with the recent Supreme Court ruling about campaign funds. All I know is that it is ruled by wealth, and there is democracy involved, but that democracy only extends to a select few, and the rest of us are just along to "choose" from amongst their offerings.Everybody wants decent human rights. Sadly, human rights nowadays are nothing but a racist and political weapon for some coutnry to bash others with
Wesley Snipes, a well known Hollywood actor is currently in prison in the USA for being an outspoken critic and tax evader for years ----------------- an economic crime

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