Sunday, July 3, 2011

NATO bombs and kills women and children in Libya in an effort to take it's oil. Impeach Obama for war crimes and BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!
Moaamar built ALL his people houses or flats---he INCREASED the literacy level from around 20% to 80PLUS %- ALL citizens receive $$$$ directly into their accounts for the oil they sell--as it is THEIR oil!!!--He had his engineers locate water in the desert and BRING it to his people and others!!- He libereated women from HAVING to wear the face veils...etc...etc...etc. If the above makes a man "delusional" and "unfit to lead"--- then where do the LEADERS of the "free world" rank on this scale of insanity?
You think God is blessing your nation think again read in your bible Isiah God Allah speaks of your destruction done by his own hands he is saving you for himself and it has begun. 45 million of you do not even have food to eat living in tents and it will get worse! Insha ALLAH
Did America not commit a "military coup" when they murdered 114 million of the aboriginal people here in america. What about the spanish being driven further south after they were already here long before you? Now you celebrate 4th of July as the birth of your stolen nation at the price and blood of so many innocent people that helped make you into what you are today and also kept you from starvation when you arrived and this is how you repay? You see your behavior is like that of when you were in the cave and hillsides of europe nothing has ever changed. A moral mind looks at himself first before making accusations. Insha Allah

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