Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apa nama sebenar tuhan orang Kristian??? inilah ejaan YHWH dalam Hebrew YHWH adalah salah satu nama bagi Tuhan dalam ajaran Kristian Aku nak tulis pun aku bukan paderi melayu, itu Khalid Samad so aku google lah ini dia entry WIkipedia salah dia salah lah entry ni Christianity Main article: Names of God in Christianity English translations of the New Testament render ho theos as God and ho kurios as "the Lord". Regarding the Old Testament, the Israelite theonyms Elohim and Yahweh are mostly rendered as "God" and "the Lord" respectively, although in Protestant tradition, the personal names Yahweh and Jehovah, based on the tetragrammaton, are also used. Jehovah appears in Tyndale's Bible, the King James Version, and other translations from that time period and later. Many translations of the Bible translate the tetragrammaton as LORD, following the Jewish practice of substituting the spoken Hebrew word 'Adonai' (translated as 'Lord') for YHWH when read aloud.[2] Some[who?] avoid using either Yahweh or Jehovah altogether on the basis that the actual pronunciation of the tetragrammaton has been lost in antiquity. They use God or The Lord instead.[citation needed] Similarly, the original Hebrew pronunciation of "Jesus" is unknown. Jesus (Iesus, Yeshua, Joshua, or Yehoshûa) (Arabic: يسوع) is a Hebraic personal name meaning "Yahweh saves/helps/is salvation",[3]. Christ means "the anointed" in Greek. Khristos is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Messiah (Arabic: المسيح); while in English the old Anglo-Saxon Messiah-rendering hæland 'healer' was practically annihilated by the Latin Christ, some cognates such as heiland in Dutch survive. In Messianic Judaism, generally regarded as a form of Christianity[citation needed], YHWH (pre-incarnate) and Yeshua (incarnate) are one and the same, the second Person, with the Father and Ruach haQodesh (the Holy Spirit) being the first and third Persons, respectively, of ha'Elohiym (the Godhead). YHWH is expressed as "haShem," which means 'the Name.' The less evangelical branch of the Quakers often refers to God as The Light. Another term used is 'King of Kings' or 'Lord of Lords' and Lord of the Hosts. Other names used by Christians include Ancient of Days, Father/Abba, 'Most High' and the Hebrew names Elohim, El-Shaddai, and Adonai. The name, "Abba/Father" is the most common term used for the creator within Christianity,[citation needed] because it was the name Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) himself used to refer to God. In the movement Imiaslavie ("Name glorification") opposed by the Russian Orthodox Church, the name of God is God Himself and can be used to evoke miracles. The Assemblies of Yahweh is currently the only Christian group to use the name Yahweh exclusively and consistently. Shangdi 上帝 (Hanyu Pinyin: shàng dì) (literally King Above) is also used to refer to the Christian god in the Standard Mandarin Union Version of the Bible. Likewise, Korean Christians and Vietnamese Christians also use cognates of this name, to refer to the Biblical god.[citation needed] Shen 神 (lit. God, spirit, or deity) was adopted by Protestant missionaries in China to refer to the Christian god. In this context it is usually rendered with a space, " 神", to demonstrate reverence. (An alternate explanation for adding a space is that doing so simplified typesetting with two versions carrying 神 or 上帝 made parallel.)[citation needed] Zhu, Tian Zhu 主,天主 (lit. Lord or Lord in Heaven) is translated from the English word, "Lord", which is a formal title of the Christian god in Mainland China's Christian churches.[citation needed] See also: Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament. macam tak de pun anyone refer to use of Allah di mana mana masyarakat/kumpulan Kristian yang signifikan di mana mana pun.. di dunia arab pun dia tak de kata Allah digunakan so kit aboleh assume lah penggunaan Allah bukan sebagai nama Khas tetapi allah sebagai nama am yang merujuk kepada tuhan dalam tradisi kristian OK lah kalau orang Iban dan bajau dan lain lain di East Malaysia nak pakai sebab dah itu yang diajar oleh mubaligh yang datang seratus tahun dulu... pakailah tak de sapa lah pulak pergi larang... sebelum ni pun tak de gi larang sekarang pun tak larang tang tak boleh islaah gunakan dalam percetakan bahasa Melayu... sekarang dia kata dalam newsletter, lepas ni dia masuk dalam novel pulak, lepas tu tah kemana nak berhenti elok lah DYMM SPB YD Agong dan Majlis raja raja buat decree aje.. lepas kes di mahkamah, buat decree, revise the laws dan make it exclusive itu saja caranya kalau orang Kristian, Buddha, Hindu, Sikh dan lain lain bukan penganut Islam tak nak undi Umno ke PAS ke lepas ni pasal kes ni pun tak pe, janji Islam tu selamat.. kita ni ada apalah sangat, yang penting Islam tu selamat kita ni tak de apa.. yang penting tu Islam renung renungkan lah

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