Thursday, January 19, 2012

. If Vatican believes in the freedom of relegion, they should not interfer relegious beliefs in China as they did not interfere in England & many other countries. Double standards ? The disgusting church sees billions in cash for themselves, nothing more As long as the church gets their share of the donations ,they'll cooperate , The catholic church has demonstrated this fact, since its inception, claiming it can: Professionally hear confessions, which is useless Grant absolute forgiveness, which they CANNOT Pray people out of Purgatory, which DOES NOT exist Cast out demons, which they CANNOT Perform miracles, which they CANNOT Claim that popes are replacements for Jesus' Apostle(s), which they are NOT Be called Father when they are NOT, because that title rightfully belongs to God, since that title means "life-giver" Claim to be givers of life, which they ARE NOT Be called REVERAND which they are NOT Judge people, when they DO NOT have that power. The history of the Catholic Church government has always been a sado-machochist mind set. Pretty words and terrible deeds. The trinity is a lie and you know it. If Mary is the mother of God, and Jesus is God,Pure Katholick Krap...SHARK Teachings of the Catholic church is Babylon myths intermingle with Aristotle philosphy sandwich between Ancient Roman customs and garnished with Hellenistic Judisim. Nothing Kosher on this plate so there are no Christian murderers ??? there are no Jewish murderers ??? there are no Atheist murderers ?? What's your problem !??! The Vatican did recently say that ALL women are prostitutes. But then the 'pleasures of the flesh', even heterosexual, are technically forbidden. (The forbidden fruit.) Hence celibate Pope COMMENTS FROM YAHOO NEWS READERS

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