Monday, December 3, 2012

A Florida Bank Collapses And Taxpayers Lose $4.9 Billion

Started In 1984

Bank United Financial Corporation Stock

Retirees lose $1.4 billion in their pensions from the stock collapse

Depositors Rush To Get Their Money

The Owner Is A Gadfly Socialite That Supports Miami University

Bank-United Financial Corporation
BankUnited Financial Corp. is the largest banking institution headquartered in Florida, with assets of $14.2 billion. The federal seizure will cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. $4.9 billion, representing the second-largest hit to the FDIC's insurance fund since the financial crisis began.

The Office of Thrift Supervision, a Treasury Department agency, said Thursday that BankUnited FSB reported $1.2 billion in losses last year as defaults on loans piled up. The thrift "was critically undercapitalized and in an unsafe condition to conduct business," the agency said in a statement.


Izzie Camner Started The Bank
Alfred R. Camner started the bank in 1984.  He was the Bank’s Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer since 1984, as its President from 1984 to 1993, 1994 to 1998, and 2001 to 2002, and as its Chief Operating Officer from 2001 to 2002.  5

Lawrence Blum

Mr Blum (nee Blume) is the chairman of the bank.

Where Did The Money Go?
Abe Gold lends Heim Finestein $500 million for the Miami River Condos, and the condo spends $20 million and the $480 million goes missing.

Off Shore Investments
A bank does two things with your deposits, it either lends the money out, or buys investments instruments.  Rest assure that some Panamanian corporation is sitting with a billion dollars of your money. 6

Naturally They Are Innocent
Don't blame us, it was a bad real estate market.

Guess Who Is Buying The Assets?
Steven Abraham Schwartzman of the Blackstone Group is buying the defunct bank. Basically, he is buying a the real estate for five cents on the dollar. 6

The Scam
  • $5.0 billion in deposits missing
  • $1.4 billion in stock value missing
  • $0.5 billion in salaries
The Zionist created 'Fractional Banking Laws' allow these swindlers to borrow 10 times the value of a deposit from the Federal Reserve. 4

Who Is Watching The Swindlers?
A fellow Zionist named Benjamin Sholmo Bernake. 4


Head Of The FDIC
The FDIC regulator is Sheila C. Bair, a nobody from Kansas, and a second generation holocaust survivor. 9

Who Knows The Real Damage
The bad loans to friends, and the Panamanian investments, are bad enough, but then there are the derivatives, and packaged mortgages. That's where Heim buys $500 million of re-packaged mortgages from Stein Investment group, and it isn't worth 10% of the purchase price. Then there is an investment division that places a major bet on futures and loses.
You can listen to all the Zio-Terms like 'Toxic Assets', or 'Derivatives', but basically there is a box of gold coins missing, and the American public lost, and the swindlers won. The money hasn't vanished, it just changed hands.

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