Camps Guards Beat Teenager To
Seven Guards Watched As Kid Was
Choked To Death
Sharpie Lawyers Get Guards Off
With A Not Guilty Verdict
Token 'Uncle Tom' Zio-Niggers
Showed At Jena, But Not Here
The Boy's Father Was Thrown Out
Of The Court Room
The Boy's Mother Can't Believe
The Verdict
This Certainly Ain't The Jena Six
Jena, Louisiana, was a Zionist 'Cause du Jour.' They financed
20,000 blacks, Jewish students, ACLU, Black Christians, bible thumpers,
and shipped them in on hundreds of buses. All Jena was about was a high
school fight, by a kid with multiple battery convictions, a nothing
On the other end of the spectrum, you have a video taped murder of 14
year old Martin Lee Anderson. He was beaten to death at a juvenile camp,
eight guards went to trial, got off scott free, and the Black crusaders
decide to watch it on TV.
Martin's crime was taking his grandmother's car for a joy ride, and
he was beaten because he was too sick to run.
Seven Guards Beat The Kid Silly
Guards grabbed Anderson and applied numerous uses of force,
including holding Anderson by the arms, take-downs, pressure point
applications, and
covering his mouth while forcing him
to inhale ammonia. They then kicked the hell out of him,
suffocating him,
he went limp, was taken to a hospital. He was kept on life support for
a day, but was considered brain dead. He died the next day
Two Zionist Doctor Autopsy The Teenager
They said the concussions and choking had nothing to do with his
death, Martin Lee had a blood disorder related to sickle cell.
A Token Korean Says nothing
Boot Camp guard, Bow Chin Hauck, testifies he saw nothing.
240 Pound Guard Suspected As Muscleman
Patty 'Tank' Garrett, ex bouncer, towered over the 145 pound,
fourteen year old kid. His crime was he couldn't keep up with an
exercise run.
The Yard Boss Is Commander Helms
Charley Helms is the 'Walking Boss', demonstrates the use of
'compliance force' his men used on that teen.
The Camp Nurse
Kristin Schmidt sat there and watched, as the beat the kid to
Zionists Protect The Guards
Abbie Gravenstein, the chairman of Anesthesiology at Shands
Hospital at the University of Florida, testifies for the state about
Martin Lee Anderson's medical condition during the second day of the
trial of former Bay County
States' Expert Witness
The kid died from asphyxiation, caused by a blood disorder, and the
choking was secondary says
Dr. Solomon Siebert. This clown has a
$200k a year contract with Panama City
Zio-Niggers Don't Show
Sheila Jackson, Rev Pomade Sharpton, And Toothless Maxine Waters
made it to Jena under Zionist's orders, but they avoided this trial.
Kosher Nazis Miss Golden Opportunity
They could have got national exposure on police brutality, a
Zionist cover-up, and rehabilitated their image.
The real enemy isn't the black, it's the Zionists and their attempt
to destroy American through immigration.
Obama Had No Comment
He refused to take questions.
ACLU Stirs A Race War
They want to
actions saying the Jury was too white.
The ADL Is Quiet
I would love to see them if it was a Jewish kid killed.
This Was A Travesty VS The Jena Six
The Jena episode consisted of a 220 lb punk, with
multiple arrests, kicking the crap of out of a skinny hillbilly.
Zionists turn evrything upside down by backing a criminal, and created a
festering black-white divide. Jena, Louisiana, a town of 3,000 got along
fine until Zionists wanted a cause.
This juvenile camp thing, where a bunch of thugs
beat a 14 yr old to death, is in another league. These guards should all
be jailed, and the 'Walking Boss', and his main thug, should be put into
Pelican Bay's general population.
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