Monday, December 10, 2012

Foreign Recruiting Offices For The American Army

Uncle Sam Needs Recruits
The armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of non-citizens in the ranks -- including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas and putting more immigrants on a faster track to US citizenship if they volunteer -- according to Pentagon officials.
Pedro Morealos To The Rescue
Foreign citizens serving in the US military is a highly charged issue, but Jewish congressmen say there isn't much of a choice.

There are one million illegals, and this is a good way to absorb them.
Think About The Schools
Pedro could bring his eight children, and get a good 'Gringo' education.

What About The Officers?
Israelis will provide the officers
Meet Captain Heim Slotsky
General Livov says he was a Capt in special forces, but in reality he was a corporal making $280 a month.
Now Heim is a US Captain, making $3,100 a month.
Washington Neocons Are All For It
If Americans won't serve then use immigrants. This nation was built on immigrants.
Bush And Gates
Both President Bush and Robert M. Gates, his new defense secretary, have acknowledged that the total size of the military must be expanded to help alleviate the strain on ground troops, many of whom have been deployed repeatedly in combat theaters.
We Need Trained Officers
It would take years and billions of dollars to recruit, train, and equip the 30,000 troops and 5,000 Marines the Pentagon says it needs.  "Lets use the ones already here, and recruit officers as needed".

Secretary O'Hanlon Says 'It's nothing New'
We have used foreigners since the Revolutionary War. Other nations have recruited foreign citizens: In France, the famed Foreign Legion relies on about 8,000 noncitizens; Nepalese soldiers called Gurkhas have fought and died with British Army forces for two centuries, etc..


What Is This All About?
An Iranian Adventure
It doesn't take a genius to see American mothers won't stand for an Iranian war. But if the economy were good they would let Bush send Pedro, and the new US/Mexican army.
The New Army Is Not A Threat Like 1917 Russia
Zionists are their final phase for world domination. Soon they will control the world's oil and gold supplies, then collapse the economy, blaming it on the Arabs. After a few years of chaos and starvation, the individual countries will be ready for any solution. In walks the 'Chosen Money Masters', and their solution is a one world currency based on commodities, which happen to be oil and gold. While they are at it, they offer a one world government, as an umbrella over various nations.
But There Could Be A 'Fly In The Ointment'
What if Americans grew a brain and said 'Who the f*** do you people think you are?' It's possible that some militia, or a organization of students, or an internet movement, realized what was happening and decided to do something.
Think Of The Possibilities
Form  a third political party, use the FBI to investigate the 'Pro Zionists' movements, make the appropriate arrests. Then establish a system of work camps to re-educate any fifth columnists, anti-Americans, etc . Stop all aid to Israel, and de-nuke that nest of vampires.


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