He Kidnapped A Toddler In A
City Park
The Park Where The Israeli
Adducted The Child

A Six Year Old Boy
Ariel Lourie, 19 is an Israeli soldier was caught grabbing a
six-year-old boy from a St Kilda East park, and putting him in his car
The Mother Sees Him Putting Her Child In The Trunk
The Melbourne Magistrates Court heard that the boy ran screaming
and crying across a road as his mother confronted an aggressive Lourie
and demanded: "Are you crazy? What are you doing?"
The Israeli Stalked The Child
Lourie, who had arrived in Australia three days earlier on
September 15. He was with his cousin as he stalked the child and his
younger brother. Next he pounced on the boy and ran for his car. It's
a safe assumption he may have been on ecstasy.
His Cousin Panicked
The six year old said he heard the Israeli's other friend shouting
"don't do it, don't do it"" before Ariel Lourie picked him up
and cradled him "as you would carry a baby".
Mother Chases After Israeli
The mother saw him being "carried off" and had started chasing
after them. Lourie told the boy to get in his trunk.
Prosecutor Wants Jail Time
The prosecutor wanted the Israeli charged with
kidnapping, but outside pressure allowed him to plead guilty to
unlawful assault.
Israeli Sees Psychiatrist
Ariel's lawyer, and the Judge, then agree to send the alleged
molester/kidnapper to a friendly shrink.
Judge Issues Strange Decision
The Judge says he wasn't a kidnapper, but rather a decent man with
an "over-friendly nature". She ordered her fellow Zionist to apologize
to the mother, and fined him $1,000.
Lourie was now absent without leave from the army and would return
to Israel where he "still has to be dealt with by his father for this
stupidity", she said. She reluctantly agreed not to sentence him so as
not to "interfere with (his) continued moral, ethical and employment
obligations" and rehabilitation.
That's One Lucky Toddler
Think about it. This Israeli moron grabbed an Australian kid, was
putting him in a car trunk, and luckily the mother caught him. Normally
in an abduction, the child is sexually abused, raped, and 99% of the
time they are killed. Now add into the mix that this kidnapper is an
Israeli teenager, and in the IDF, where ecstasy and missing Arab
children are an everyday event.
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