His London Rallies Spew Streams of
Hateful Venom
This 'Monster' Has Even Set Up
A Terror Camp In Alabama
Marion is a secret Jihad Base, within 50
miles of the SPLC headquarters
awful terrorist was born in Syria. As a young boy, he moved to
Beirut, Lebanon, where he trained in the ways of Jihad. In 1985, he
moved to London, where he was the founder of the London branch of Hizb
Al-Tahrir, and "Jama'at Al-Muhajirun".
He became the spokesman for Osama bin Laden's International Islamic
Front for 'Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders'. He fund raises for
Hamas/Mossad, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and is "in touch"
with Hizbullah.
In 2000, Bakri went to Birmingham, Alabama to recruit volunteers. He
has set up secret terror training camps in the US.
Robert Spencer
Good Jews Watch Over Us
Mr. Spencer, who runs Jihad Watch is a prolific writer,
scholar, and modern thinker. He contends that Jihad (Holy War)
is the foundation of the Muslim religion. He gives numerous
examples of Mohammed, and his writings. Spencer explains Jihad
often results in violence, and murders, as has happened in the
Sudan and elsewhere wherever the religion of Islam is
He states that looking at the international situation,
where violence occurs in which civil wars are fought, that an
extremely high percentage of the time, the battle lines are
drawn where Islam interfaces with other peoples not professing
Secret US Terror Base Recruits
American Muslims
Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed, a firebrand Islamic leader in London, and
who is also a founder of the fundamentalist al-Muhajiroun organization,
told the Telegraph last year that between 1,800 and 2,000 British Muslims
were going abroad each year for "military training“.
Bakri has said: ~ I will use
domestic Muslims as 'Sleeper Cells'.
Beltway snipers.
Bakri Laughs At America
Bakri initially established terror training camps in Afghanistan, but
he claimed, there was too much surveillance. He told reporters: ~ "We
will train in America, where they call us tourists".
Bakri Praises The 19 Hijackers
Of Sept. 11
Bakri goes to great lengths to
claim Muslims engineered 9/11, where as other Muslim Clerics claim Israel
was the sponsor.
The facts are: that seven of the
are still alive, the US government refuses to show the boarding
Sayeret Matkal
commando was
on one of the jets, and the attack's sophistication required a
intelligence agency to plan and carry it out.
The Southern Poverty Law Center
The 'Utter Gall' of this Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad coming to Alabama
to recruit, and
setting up a base. Morris Dees, whose organization, the SPLC, which is an illustrious watchdog for domestic terrorists, will not
take too kindly to this.
Nothing Makes Sense
How did a good Jewish boy turn into a mad Muslim cleric?
Why has Britain let 4,000,000 Muslims immigrate to the UK? What is this
Mad Cleric doing in Alabama recruiting?
This reminds me of that
'Nasty Nazi' Frank Collins', who held a rally in Skokie, Illinois
(home to the largest single community of Holocaust survivors), and
caused untold painful memories. Oddly, it turns out he was Jewish boy
named Joseph Cohen. Or maybe one should think of. Wolfgang Hawke.
Could this be more
phony AL-Quada
or Abu Nidal. The
deeper one digs, the more it seems that Zionists may have been behind
the London terror bombings.
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