Saturday, December 1, 2012

Israel Wants To Annex Land Around Jerusalem
They want the land in red

Israel To Begin Confiscating land
Israel has ordered the confiscation of Arab land outside east Jerusalem, a newspaper and Palestinian officials said on Tuesday.

The land could create a bloc of settlements for Russian Jews. The housing complexes will be paid by US taxpayers.

Army Issuing Confiscation Papers
The army orders given to landowners, a copy of which was seen by AFP, justified the expropriation on “military grounds” and for “measures designed to stop terrorist acts”. A new road that would connect east Jerusalem with the West Bank town of Jericho. Along the route 3,500 apartments and an industrial parkwill be built."

This Splits The West Bank.
The Palestinians heavily criticize the project because it would effectively split the West Bank and separate the territory from east Jerusalem.

“We condemn this Israeli decision to confiscate Palestinian land at a time in which we are trying to revive the peace process,” chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat told AFP.


Jews Say 'God Gave Us The land'
Sixty Eight percent of Jews want to split the West Bank, and keep the Arabs out of Jerusalem. 



Israel Is A Stain On Humanity
Letting this group of human garbage run around with 500 nukes is pure insanity. At some of the more aggressive hilltop settlements, like Kiryat Arba overlooking Hebron, these Jews run over Arab kids with cars. One kid threw a rock at a settler, and the chopped his arm off and threw him in an Arab village.

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