Kevin Strom Of The National
Alliance Is Arrested
Strom Ran The National Alliance
After William Pierce Died
Hufschmidt Asks A Lot Of Valid Questions
Why are certain people showered with publicity? Hufschmidt
was the leader in the 9/11 movement, and received little
recognition, where as the 'Dylan Avery and Alex Jones' are Zionists
TV phenomena.
The Odd Arrests
Some of these arrests are a little too convenient. 9/11 is the
beginning of the final chapter in the Zionist's master plan of world
domination, and they need 'Prophets with Pedigrees', to lead the
Solitary Confinement
Someone goes away for two years, but no one sees him?
The Rubin-Krugel Scam
The two heads of a US terror group, called the JDL, are suspected
killers, and finally get are sentenced for a bomb plot. Suddenly
both die a mysterious deaths in prison. This is a Zionists code for
we protect our own. Both now live in Tel Aviv.
The White Nationalist
Ninety nine percent of individuals are for real, but
Zionists will infiltrate the leadership wherever possible.
Who Is Real?
The ones that admit Israel did 9/11, and the Holocaust was a
hoax, and the reason European Jews went to Palestine was to destroy
the Muslim unity, and control the mideast oil.
Anyone that denies we are dying in Iraq for Israel, is a total
What Happens When?
After Iran, the Zionists collapse the economy, and hungry people are
angry people. That's when these alternate media sites get popular, and
by then the Zionists are in total control of the internet.
It is either a third party movement now, or a 1917 Bolshevik type
revolution after the collapse.
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