Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snake of Judaism
The New Stürmer - Volume 5 
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Ever since their days in Babylon Jewish rabbis have planned to rule the world. Their lust for world power is based on the fairy-tale that they have been chosen by God to rule over mankind. Can anyone show where in the Bible did God say that to them? Those who know the real history of the world can now see that the Jews are bringing the world into the last and final war.
In the beginning the Jews concentrated on the countries in what we call the Middle East. Then as the world expanded and their perspective increased , they began to look at first to Greece the Rome as prey to conquer. Their power had become so strong within the Roman Empire that the great consul of Rome, Cicero, in defending Caesar, had to lower his voice to avoid stirring up the Jews as their evil ways were becoming disclosed and they had to shift their focus for power elsewhere.
As the Catholic church grew stronger she managed to restrain the Jews in their drive for world power---even though many of the popes were baptized Jews. As the people of northern Europe started to drift away from the church and into the pagan beliefs, the  Jews within the Catholic church turned to their fellow Jews and asked them to form a society which could fight the opposition to the church’s suppression. This was the beginning of the Jesuits.
Over the decades the Jesuits developed a freemasonry within the Catholic church. The Jews understood that the Jesuits could neither take over the Lutheran Church nor overtake the world on their own, they joined their forces into the Freemasonry - where the old teachings of the Jesuits became the higher degrees of Freemasonry.
When the people, and the nobles of Europe began to resist Jewish influence, the Jews then started to plan their breakdown of one country after another.
First England
The Jews came to England with the Roman - but they did not leave with them; they stayed behind, preying on the Anglo-Saxon. Although many kings tried to throw out the Jews, they kept coming back, until 1290 when Edward I banished the Jews from England. Oliver Cromwell in 1657, in order to finance his treacherous revolution , turned to Jews in Amsterdam. Manasch Ben Israel and Moses Carvajal demanded the right to return to England should Cromwell win.
In 1689 Amsterdam Jews once again financed a rebellion, this time, against King James II of England . The chief of these Jews, Solomon Medina, came to England with William of Orange. The Jews now had taken a firm grip of England and it was lost as a Germanic country.
In 1694 The Bank of "England" instituted the National Debt, securing the Jews as the money lenders. The right to print money was transferred from the Crown to the "Bank of England", and created the first charge of taxes in England.
With this experience in England the Jews started to go after other countries on mainland Europe. They did not overthrow the rulers of these countries as they had done in England. Then by 1780 an opportunity came up in France, where, with the help of their Freemasons, they were able to start a revolution.
Although he was sorry for the Jews, Napoleon, the man they allowed to take over the rule France after the revolution, did not let the Jews to tell him what to do. Neither did he allow them to set up a national bank in France. Napoleon wanted to be sole ruler.
As punishment the Jews in England joined with Jews in other European country to fight Napoleon. We all know what happened - Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo and lost France to the Jews. The Jews now learned how to both master the masses and get countries to cooperate they started to overtake all of Europe,
The Jews began to use the freemasons to stir up the middle classes in various European countries . Three words they had introduced during the revolution in France: "liberty, equality and fraternity" were planted into every freemason in Europe. They started to manipulate unsuspecting laymen to introduce liberalism as a political movement. Furthermore, the freemasons started to demand social benefits---benefits which would not help the working classes, but the Jews since the income of each country was not enough to pay for their demands. This led to other countries to take loans with various Jewish banks.
Wars during 1800
With the experience from the Napoleon wars the Jews learned to use the freemasons to do their work by stirring up hostility between the European countries. Small wars began to pop up across the content in the 19th century. The Jews, with their base in London, England, had an excellent position to watch how other countries in Europe react to Jewish suppression. They did not want any European country to reach a strength that could jeopardize England’s position in the world. Thus they drove England to war with other countries whose growing strength could threaten England, giving them the power over the people of Europe.
Since the Jews could not be certain of the outcome of which country would win the wars they invested money on both side. To be sure they would get their investment back the Jews had the winner demand financial payment from the looser. A demand which drove the looser deep into the pockets of Jewish bankers. By the end of 1800 the Jews had embraced their main opponents and saw the possibility for the establishment of their Kingdom.

Beginning of the 20th Century
In the early 1900's the Jews thought the time was right to start the final attack for world power. They had already attacked the Russian Empire and brought it down through Karl Max who had introduced Jewish political thoughts into the minds of not only the middle classes but also the growing working class. Meanwhile, through freemasonry, the Jews were gaining power over the political system in USA.
As Russia and Japan started a war over some islands the Jews were willing to finance Japan’s war - which led to Russia losing. But to the surprise of the Jews the Czar did not lose the confidence of his people.
The time was now ripe to bring down the only country which had withstood the Jews - Austria. Consequently they forced Austria into war. With Austria at war Germany join in. This was not a reaction the Jews had expected. Russia entered the war hoping to gain land from Germany. As the Russian army was about to loose the Jews started their revolution led by Marx and Lenin, and ending up in terror and a Soviet government.

Two World Wars
We all know what happened after WWI and WWII. Jews had brought down the last free countries in the European continent and the USA rose to the top of the hierarchy. The Jews, seeing that they could use the military and monetary power of USA to rule the world, began concentrating their power in America.
Foundation of Israel
The establishing of Israel was meant to be the Jewish KINGDOM on earth. The Jews had not expected the Moslem world to react so violently to the formation of the state of Israel. . As the resistance in the Moslem neighbours to Israel rose, the Jews engaged them in wars against each other and with Israel; wars they had won easily with the financial aid of the USA, giving them better weapons and military supplies then the Moslems.

Resistance against Jewry rising
The world is about to wake up from the brainwashing the Jewish media has carried out against it. Resistance to world Jewry is rising around the globe, not only in the Middle East and among Moslems, but also among Christian people who should help the Moslems in their struggle for survival. By helping the Moslems we would also be helping to save Christianity. The only way to stop the Jewish snake encircling the world is to stop it from reaching it’s tail. Can we do this!!!!

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and outright lies, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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