Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Great ADL Gun Grab

Are Gun Owners Waking Up?
The Zionists want to portray gun owners as nuts, conspiracy theorists, and take their guns away. The fact is that guns act as protection, whether it is against home invasion, or a women assaulted in a parking lot. The next step is militias, and their purpose is to defend against a state gone wild.


Defending Ourselves From The Anti-Defamation League
Jake Harden says it is just a 'Gun grab', and he wonders who these Jewish characters are, and what is their interest in disarming the populace.


The ADL Wants States To Control Guns
These two Jewish commissars, Glen Lewy and Abe Foxman, said: "States need the right to regulate firearm ownership..."

But JD Harden says: - "Hold on there, pardners. This shows such a basic misunderstanding of 'rights' that I'm afraid we may have to send these folks back to civics class. States don't have rights. They have powers that we have a right to protect ourselves from. When an attempt is made to limit our ability to defend ourselves, we have a right to protect ourselves from that attempt."

The ADL Doesn't Have Any Control Over Our Rights
Only you and I, as individuals, have rights. Mr. Lewy and Mr. Foxman have rights as individuals. Whatever special interest groups they may or may not represent don't have rights, but each individual in those groups has rights.

One either backs the power of the State over the rights of individuals, or one backs the rights of individuals over the power of the State. It is simple as that.


A Zionist Elected Sheriff
According to Mr. Lewy and Mr. Foxman, it appears that the local sheriff or governor should determine if we have the right to bear arms.


Here Is Another Reason 
I am not going to give up my firearms so that a bunch of thugs like these Blackwater goons can tell me where to live. I ain't forgetting when the casino owners sent their hired killers into New Orleans to throw the blacks out.


These Bolshevik Commissars
The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense, and these specially-appointed dual-citizens aligned with Israel aren't telling us who can own a gun.

Too Many Staged Massacres
Everywhere you look there is a massacre, and a picture of SWAT team members huddled behind squad cars. We now have the right to defend ourselves from these threats to our Liberty by any means necessary.


What Is The Real Fear Here?
The truth be told is that the Zionists fear that their plot's of money, oil, race wars, judicial control, and general 'Nation wrecking' is uncovered, and the populace revolts. In 1917, the Bolsheviks did this to Russia, but the populace did not have the communication systems necessary for an armed resistance.
This is 2008, and an organized resistance leading a grassroots election recall, if vote fraud were found, could establish laws and punishments. The formation of 'Re-education Camps' versus a crazed vengeful populace would actually be welcome by Zionists.


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