Thursday, December 27, 2012

UNO - United Nation Organization
The New Srurmer
Year 2008
This is a long article, but please do read it - I am sure you will find it enjoyable.
On the Prerequisite for World Renewal
" . . . a movement that wants to renew the world must serve, not the moment, but the future."
— THE BOOK, II:6/466 (HM edition)
He was—and IS—right!
I trust you all see the difference between how Adolf Hitler looked at a prerequisite of a new world and how Jews define their new world organization.
"Cosmopolitanism: World citizenship is what the world and all humans have been longing for. Mankind’s endeavour, combined with an ideal hope of a coming world people, whom in their basis, is in it’s thought a Jewish one, which even to day find it’s supporters preferentially among Jews." "Zionist ABC-Book,"Berlin, 1908 P 118
"The Jews will receive sovereignty over the world," Ch. T Russell in "Studies if the Scripture," Barmen, Edition 1917 7 Book, P 666

"Today I may tell you that our goal in now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring is closed, all the state of Europe will be locked in its coil in a powerful vice.".
 Protocols of the learned elders of Zion, 3, 1

United Nations Organization
The League of Nations was founded to give Jewish bankers the first grab on the claim for compensation England and France had on Germany after WWI. In line with that, and as a successor UNO was founded to forever keep Germany from growing so that she could not threaten England’s position as a leading world nation.
The term "United Nations" (which appears in stanza 35 of Canto III of Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage) was decided by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill during World War II, to refer to the Allies.  Its first formal use was in the 1 January 1942 Declaration by the United Nations, which committed the Allies to the principles of the Atlantic Charter and pledged them not to seek a separate peace with the Axis powers. Thereafter, the Allies used the term "United Nations Fighting Forces" to refer to their alliance.
On 25 April 1945, the UN Conference on the International Organization began in San Francisco. In addition to the governments, a number of non-governmental organizations were invited to assist in drafting the Charter. The 50 nations represented at the conference signed the Charter of the United Nations two months later on 26 June. Poland had not been represented at the conference, but a place had been reserved for it among the original signatories, and added its name later.  The UN came into existence on 24 October 1945, after the Charter had been ratified by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the Republic of China (Formosa {the island}, Taiwan), France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States — and by a majority of the other 46 signatories. That these countries are the permanent members of the Security Council, and have veto power on any Security Council resolution, reflects that they are the main victors of World War II or their successor states: the People's Republic of China replaced the Republic of China in 1971 and Russia replaced the Soviet Union in 1991.
This should cover the beginning history of the start of UNO. More about the UNO can be read in many books and on the Web. What you may not find, are quotes from some leading Jews who are for a one nation on earth:
"When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown offered him by Europe he will become patriarch of the world." Protocols of the learned elders of Zion, 15, 30
To show that they possess and take care of USA here is another quote:
"American Jews have their ideal, it spells, `Washington is our Zion.`" Israel Zangwill, in Israelische Wochenschrift, Berlin, 1, October 1899 P 645
The real reason why the Jews wanted the New World Organisation. the UNO, is to hold down Germany from becoming again, the great nation it once was.
UNO’s Enemy Nation clauses:

Article 53
1 The Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize such regional arrangements or agencies for enforcement action under its authority. But no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council, with the exception of measures against any enemy state, as defined in paragraph 2 of this Article, provided for pursuant to Article 107 or in regional arrangements directed against renewal of aggressive policy on the part of any such state, until such time as the Organization may, on request of the Governments concerned, be charged with the responsibility for preventing further aggression by such a state.

(continuing in the next column)
(continuation of article 53)2 The term enemy state as used in paragraph 1 of this Article applies to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter

Article 107
Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.
These two clause were written into the UNO charter only to keep Germany from having any influence on the development of the organisation. Japan joined the UN in 1956 and BRD joined in 1973. But the above clauses are still in power.  BRD - Bundesrepublic Deutschland is NOT the Third Reich nor will it ever be.
The real tasks of UNO should become clear if we look at how UNO reacts to wars anywhere on the planet.
During War on Iraq in 1991, started by USA President George Walker Bush Sr, the UNO soon became very active. The war was instigated because the international community of Jewish Organisations wanted control over Iraq’s rare oil resources. They did not get that control although the UNO gave USA full operational freedom.
These are some of the wars crimes USA committed in Iraq by breaking most of the Hague Agreement:
According to The Hague Agreement it is forbidden to use
Art 23 (a) To employ poison or poisoned weapons.
USA broke that when they used depleted Uranium, which is toxic.
According to The Hague Agrement:
Art. 25. The attack or bombardment, by whatever means, of villages, dwellings, or buildings which are undefended is prohibited.
The USA bombed Iraq in many places where nothing was left but only stone upon stones after their bombs had fallen.

War on the Balkan
Not including the two World Wars during the last century. War on the Balkan was actually the third war fought in this same area .
Outcome of World War I:
{After WWI the League of Nations constructed a new nation out of three states that had belonged to Austria: Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosowo and the kingdom Serbia
Then after WWII, once again, a hidden hand began the construction of new nations. Now the once kingdom of Yugoslavia became the Republic of Yugoslavia, because the king of Yugoslavia had joined up with Germany during WWII and because a partisan, Tito, who had strong ties to communist Soviet needed a country to rule - - - outcome: the Republic of Yugoslavia..
At one point in late 1980's, the leadership of this new republic came on bad terms with the international society, read Jews, and the third war on Balkan broke loose. Four "new" states- - - actually three old states, were constructed: Slovenia, Bosnia - before 1918 called Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia..
In 1991 an uproar started in three of these parts, Slovenia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia. of Yugoslavia. To stop this the Yugoslavian army was sent in. Not long after UNO issued two resolutions: 713 and 771, against the Yugoslavian government, claiming they had violated the people's human rights in the three states that wanted to break out of the republic.
UNO set up a war crime tribunal in Den Hague in Netherlands to investigate war crimes committed by the people of Serbian nationality, but overlooked the war crimes committed by other Balkan nationalities.

When the wars on Balkan broke out in 1991, the UNO, in a scandalous manner, only condemned the political leader of Yugoslavia for the out break of the war, but overlooked what the U.S.A's CIA had done in the war between the Yugoslavian states.
No resolutions were issued after USA invaded Iraq in 1991, even though USA had broken both the Hague Agreement from 1907 and the Geneva Convention of 1949.

War on Afghanistan
In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, both the USA and the United Kingdom, started a war on the peaceful country of Afghanistan. Neither country had proof that Afghanistan had any involvement, or that any person or persons, living in Afghanistan, were involved with what happened on that day. Then, on October 7 2001, without any provocation, USA and UK started a war on Afghanistan. Again, the UNO accepted whatever lies came out of Washington DC. Another war crime! But the UNO did nothing!
Neither was there any absolute proof that Osama bin Laden, an Arab that helped the CIA smuggle weapons and ammunition to support the Taliban fighting off Soviet troops that had invaded Afghanistan in the 1980's, had anything to do with what heppened in New York on September 11, 2001.
A new organisation, the Al Qaeda, was introduced. The Administration of the USA told the world this new organisation was a terrorist organisation, after that organisation had cooperated with USA’s CIA in fighting the Soviet in Afghanistan. Overnight, yesterday’s bosom friends became today’s foes.
The combined forces of USA and UK could not bring down the Taliban forces in Afghanistan even though they forced them out of the capital, Kabul, they could not force them out of the country or to end the conflict. In order not to loose their credibility as a world military power USA called on NATO for help- - - a new military force entered the scene- - - ISAF.
Sadly, the USA, with all her cooperators, including ISAF, were not capable to put an end to the war. However, they did manage to get a puppet government and another jumping jack elected as president, Hamid Karzai. This new president and his government, are, according to ISAF, "Afghan Transitional Authority."
By establishing the "Afghan Transitional Authority," the USA and her helpers committed yet another crime.  In the International Law, there is nothing mentioned about "Transitional Authority."
With all the war crimes committed by USA and UK in Afghanistan one must wonder why those two nation’s leaders were not brought to justice for war crimes. Not only the political leaders should have be brought to face an international war tribunal, even the officers leading the troops should have been. The military leaders because of what was stated in the tribunals following the IMT in Nurnberg 1945 where it was stated that officers and soldiers have a duty to refuse to follow a political leadership when that leadership is braking international laws.
It is sad to see how UNO brake her own rules and how she plays around with international established law just to suite ine party - the Jews behind the scene.

Interlude between wars
The Administration of the U.S. President, George Walker Bush Jr., launched an "Axis of Evil", in which they included North Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan.  And out of the blue, Bush's Administration insisted that Iraq had weapons of mass-destruction - whatever that meant. Now, at this point, the UNO’s International Atomic Energy Bureau became interested.   A task-force, headed by the Swede Hans Blix, was set up to investigate the allegations. After many long visits to Iraq, the task-force led by Mr. Blix concluded: "Iraq has NO weapons of mass-destruction," The US Administration did not believe that. report!
In order to convince all members of the UN General Assembly, USA sent their Secretary of State, Colin Powell, with "proofs" to show the production of weapons of mass-destruction in Iraq. The proofs were based on some blurred pictures of lorries leaving a building, and also drawings of what a factory for the production of weapons of mass-destruction would look like on a lorry.
To my knowledge, the first time the world heard of transportable gas-factories was after WWII. during the International Military Tribunal (IMT), at the Nuremberg Trials. These portable gas-factories on the back of a lorry, were allegedly the gas-chambers Jews were made to enter. The "gas chamber" was then filled with the gas from the lorry’s exhaust pipe. What the "clever" Jews did not seem to know, was that when the pressure inside the "chamber" becomes equal to that of the output of the engine, the engine then dies. But then, physics never was a strong subject for Jews, or probably not for the judges at the trials.
This transportable factory for weapons of mass destruction , was what Secretary Powell presented to the UNO General Assembly. The "thinkers" behind this presentation had not thought of the consequences, or cared not, of what would happen to the people living near such a factory should an accident happen with another vehicle, on a road. Would Saddam Hussein have allowed Iraqis to be poisoned in such a manner?

Second war on Iraq
On March 19. 2003, these two Jewish controlled jumping jacks, George Walker Bush Jr. and Tony Blair, took their countries, USA and UK, into a second war on Iraq. They were joined by Jewish "yes-men" who brought countries like Poland, Denmark and a few more, including little Norway. However, Norway soon withdrew her forces from Iraq after Norwegians protested against what their government had done.
In this second Iraqi war, the two Jewish controlled jumping jacks used Depleted Uranium. They did not seem to care, for Iraq was in no position to retaliate; they could not drop such bombs on their own people. Then, on May 1, 2003, the 'nombero uno' Jewish jumping jack, George Walker Bush Jr. declared the war on Saddam Hussein was won. Funny...some how the world was told by the two jumping jacks, that they went to war on Iraq- - -NOT on the Iraqi leader. Situations seem to change when these jumping jacks do not know clearly why their Masters send them off to war?
Now, six years after the war on Iraq started, neither the USA nor any other country, found one weapon of mass destruction. Nor have they found any of the portable factories for weapons of mass destruction, which Foreign Secretary Powell told the UNO General Assembly Iraq had.
After USA and UK invaded Iraq and brought down its legal government, and captured Saddam Hussein, they then put Hussein and members of his government on an "IMF-type" trial, which, as we know, ended with the hanging of Saddam. .As it followed, these two jumping jacks set up a new government acceptable not only to them, but also to Israel. This fraudulent scam showed the Iraqis what could also happen to them should they not bow to the "new" Master’s of Iraq.
While this was taking place, Mossad sneaked into Northern Iraq, where the Kurds had their stronghold and started to train the Kurds for a war on Sunni- and Shiiha Iraqis in order for Israel to have cheap oil from the Kurdish oil-pipelines. In the south and middle of Iraq, major oil-companies with headquarters in USA and elsewhere around the world, started to push up the production of Iraqi oil.

What did UNO do??
When the true reason for the attack on Iraq was revealed, the UNO did NOTHING. to condemn USA and UK for committing war crimes as listed in the Articles of the UNO book. Nor did the UNO condemn Israel for stealing oil from the Iraqi people. As a second thought, is the UNO still looking for the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?. We will never know?
Why did UNO not bring President George Walker Bush Jr and Prim minister Tony Blair to an international war tribunal???? Could it be because those two war criminals helped Israel steal oil from Iraq?

Who pays for the war?
The Iraqi oil is sold by International oil companies in which most major stockholders are Jews, yet, the unsuspecting American taxpayer is picking up the cost for the war. One can not expect poor Jewish companies to pay for what they steal, for they take from the "animals/goijm" as their Talmud says, as it belongs to them anyway.

Israel and The Jewish communities in USA are urging USA to bomb Iran. for what reason? Is it because the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: "There never was any holocaust during WWII." Or because Iran started to enrich Uranium for some power plants? Israel is telling the world: "Iran is NOT going to use the enriched Uranium in any power plants! She is building nuclear bombs!" On what basis gives Israel the right to make such a claim? Israel knows everything about "diplomatic lying, including lying about its own nuclear bombs which she never admitted to the world she already has such bombs. and besides, not permitting the UNO to investigate Israel for such weapons. I prefer to believe the Iranian president!
In the meantime, what did the UNO do? She sent inspectors from her International Atomic Energy Bureau into Iran; their report said: It will take years before Iran can get into a position of building any nuclear bombs. But Israel will not accept such information, while she is training to bomb Iran, and urging USA to satisfy her Master to make the first strike on Iran. Those of us living far away will tell what happened.
To overcome the outright lies and audacity - in Yiddish Chutzpah, the truth, in facts, must be spread, loud and clear ...
Please forward this article to all your friends, and to those who are aware that something is drastically wrong in this world, but can't understand what is happening; teach them, and they will learn.
Heil og sael
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