US Warns
Israel "There Will Be No 'USS Liberty Pt II'"
Leaders Balk At Admiral's Tone
Is Told Not To Hit A Carrier In The Persian Gulf
The Scuttlebutt
Says Israel Is Being Warned
The final move, and the
crown jewel, in Israel's conquest of the Mid-East is the Zargos
oil fields in Iran. It seems shows like the USS Liberty Hour, which are
very popular with veterans, has gotten the message out and the brass has
to notice.
Israel's Biggest Mistake
For the last 41 years, Israel's
attack on the USS Liberty has been a taboo topic about which neither
the Jewish state nor the US has allowed free and open discussion.
Like a paid-off judge in the service of organized crime interests
pounding his gavel on the bench, for the last 4 decades Israel and
her supporters in the US government have bellowed 'case closed' and
have raked over the coals anyoneincluding the survivors of the
attack themselvesfrom arguing otherwise. Realizing the tidal wave
of outrage that would occur if the American people were to come of
age and lose their innocence in realizing what Israel did in
murdering 34 American servicemen 4 decades ago in a premeditated act
of war (to say nothing of the cover-up perpetrated by the US
government) it has been on the list of forbidden topicsuntil
Navy Admiral And Entourage Fly To
Tel Aviv
Cutting short his trip in Europe the
first week of July, recently-appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Adm. Mike Mullen flew to Tel Aviv along with an entourage of
high-ranking US military personnel and, upon his arrival, rushed to
meet with the highest-ranking members of Israel's military
establishment. While this is not unusual (as many such meetings have
been taking place as of late) what was unusual was the topic
discussedIsrael's attack on the USS Liberty 41 years ago during the
6 day war and how 'important' it was that 'history not repeat
itself,' given the present tensions existing between Israel and
Iran. Considering the subject of that meeting and the well-known
cover-up that has taken place these last 41 years, the meeting
should have made headline news all over America. Sadly, however, it
did not, just another testimony to the fact that America is now
officially 'occupied territory' every bit as much as Arab Palestine.
Everyone Fears An Israeli False
Flag In The Persian Gulf
The fact that the meeting took place
at all is news enough, but what is of even more importance is what
can be inferred from the meeting. Given the fact that this brazen 2
hour attack upon the United States has been hushed up these last 41
years, there can be little else to conclude by Mullen's meeting
other than the obviousThat someone from within the intelligence or
military apparatus of the United States has looked towards the
horizon and concluded that Israel is planning a 'USS Liberty Pt II,'
meaning an attack on a US ship, most likely in the Persian Gulf,
leading to a massive loss of life to be then blamed on Iran. As was
intended in 1967 when Israel attacked the Liberty, Americans would
be incensed into such a war frenzy that they would demand the
'obliteration' (a la Hillary Clinton) of the guilty party, the false
identity of which the Jewish media establishment in America would be
all too glad to provide.
We Won't Sit Still This Time
And while all players involved have
been tight-lipped about the particulars of this story, what can be
concluded nevertheless is that Mullen's impromptu trip to Israel and
subsequent discussion was in effect a stern warning to Israel of
'Don't even think about it bubba'.
Why The Sudden Patriotism?
Those who suspect that Mullen (a
company man not cut from the same cloth as the recently 'retired'
Adm. William Fallon) has been afflicted with a sudden case of
patriotic fever should consider this recent news against the more
likely backdrop of sheer pragmatism. The sad fact is, patriotism
more than likely had little to do with it. The US is having its rear
end handed to it in Iraq and Afghanistan and now some in Washington
are beginning to realize that they've just put their foot into
something nasty with regards to Israel's dirty wars in the Middle
East that will never be finished as long as she exists. With oil and
virtually all consumer products skyrocketing in price simultaneous
to the US economy going down the drain, some now understand that by
signing on as Israel's pit bull in the Muslim world that America
will wind up paying the ultimate price for her devotion to the
Jewish state, meaning the complete destruction of her economy and
her position as a world power.
Admiral Mullen At Mossad Headquarters
It is no secret Mullen is very
friendly when it comes to the great experiment in Jewish self rule
in the Middle East as well as his willingness to tow the line with
regards to the sworn enemies of that great experiment. Immediately
after the release of the National Intelligence Estimate in early
December of 2007 stating that Iran had no nuclear weapons program
America's highest ranking military officer high-tailed it to Israel
(the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to do so in a decade) to
reassure her of America's support that would last '1,000 years'.
Mullen Wants Israel To Back Off Iran
As of late however, America's top
general officer seems to be singing a different tune with regards to
widening the present debacle to include war with Iran that stands
the very real chance of bringing into the fray nuclear-armed nations
such as Russia and China. Out of necessity therefore he has now
joined with saner voices both inside and outside the Bush
administration who are trying to prevent an otherwise apocalyptic
end to America. In discussing an attack on Iran Mullen recently
stated that opening a third front would be 'extremely stressful' on
the US military and added that it would lead to consequences
'difficult to predict', adding that "There is need for better
clarity, even dialogue at some level."
Israel's Bag Of Dirty Tricks
And this, added to all the other
things taking place these days (not excluding of course the talk of
withdrawing US troops from Iraq) is what is making Israel jittery to
the point she would contemplate pulling off another 'USS Liberty'.
For the sake of her own survival she simply cannot afford to have
her 'fixer' in the Middle East walk away from a 'hit' to which he
has been assigned, and it is for this reason that forward-thinking
people in the US are beginning to sense Israel may soon pull a few
surprises out of her infamous black bag of dirty tricks.
Mainstream Analysts Admit To Zio-Terror
Once the stomping grounds solely
of 'anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists' that the Jewish state
might pull a fast one in order to get the US involved in a war
for her own interests, now 'respectable' people have begun to
voice such thoughts openly as well. In a recent piece appearing
in an issue of American Conservative Magazine entitled 'If Iran
is Attacking, It Might Really Be Israel', ex-CIA officer Phillip
Giraldi writes as follows
'Some intel types are beginning
to express concerns that the Israelis might do something
completely crazy to get the US involved. There are a number of
possible "false flag" scenarios in which the Israelis could
stage an incident that they will make to look Iranian, either by
employing Iranian weapons or by leaving a communications
footprint that points to Tehran's involvement.
Those who argue Israel would
never do such a thing should think again. Israel is willing to
behave with complete ruthlessness towards the US if they feel
that the stakes are high enough. Witness the attack on the USS
Liberty and the bombing of the US Consulate in Alexandria in the
1950s. If they now believe that Iran is a threat that must be
eliminated it is not implausible to assume they will stop at
nothing to get the United States to do it for them, particularly
as their air force is only able to damage the Iranian nuclear
program, not destroy it'
A CIA Analyst Is Afraid Too
Joined alongside Giraldi is
former long-time CIA analyst Ray McGovern who in his most recent
piece 'Israel Planning a September/October Surprise?' writes the
following with regards to the US pulling out of the Middle East
and what Israel might do as a result
'My guess is the Israeli leaders are apoplecticThis dramatic
change - or even just the specter of it - greatly increases
Israel's incentive to ensure US involvement in the area that
would endure for several years. The Israelis need to create
"facts on the ground" - something to guarantee Washington will
stand by "our ally." The legislation drafted by AIPAC calls for
a blockade of Iran. That would be one way to entangle; there are
many others. The point is that the growing danger the Israelis
perceive will probably prompt them to find a way to get the US
involved in hostilities with Iran. All Israel has to do is to
arrange to be attacked. Not a problem.
There are endless possibilities
among which Israel can choose to catalyze such a confrontation.
Viewed from Tel Aviv it appears an increasingly threatening
situation, with more urgent need to "embed" (so to speak) the
United States even more deeply in the region - in a
confrontation involving both countries with Iran. A perfect
storm is brewingIn sum, Israel is likely to be preparing a
September/October surprise designed to keep the US bogged down
in Iraq and in the wider region by provoking hostilities with
Iran. And don't be surprised if it starts as early as August
American Free Press
Readers will recall that American
Free Press newspaper predicted in the aftermath of the National
Intelligence Estimate being released that the prospect of war with
Iran being cancelled (or delayed) would likely result in Israel
resorting to desperate measures in getting her way. AFP further
speculated that the timing of the release of the NIE was suspicious,
coming just a few days before Dec 7, the day Americans remember the
attack on Pearl Harbor and that possibly the release of the report
was timed to prevent a sneak attack by an Israeli sub on a US ship
stationed in the Persian Gulf.
Israel Creates It's Charade
For her part, Israel is attempting
to play the role of the innocent, cooperative and concerned ally in
the wake of Mullen's meeting by summoning Judge Jay Cristol, a
federal bankruptcy judge in Miami and devoted Zionist who wrote a
book in 2002 exculpating Israel of any wrongdoing in the Liberty
attack. He is lecturing at military academies in Haifa and Ashdod on
how to avoid the 'mistakes' that led to the attack on the Liberty.
Will The USS Liberty Crew Ever
See Justice?
One thing is for certain. Out of all
the topics to be discussed with his Israeli counterparts, Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs Mullen picked the topic of the USS Liberty, and
not because he felt nostalgic, sentimental or evenHeaven
forbidguilty over the way the Liberty survivors have been treated
these last 41 years. He, like many within the military and
intelligence establishment, no doubt realizes that America sits at
the precipice of destruction and is no doubt trying to pull her back
before that proverbial 'point of no return' is reached, if in fact
it has not been reached already.
The Fear Of A False Flag On A
And as sobering a theme as all this
may be, the fact is that it may turn out to be much worse. What
Israel wants, Israel gets, and the fact that an attack on a US ship
has been thwarted does not mean that the fat lady has sung, as now
the likelihood of a false flag attack on the American mainland has
been made all the more probable. This time however, just for good
measure and for spite, it might not be a city building coming down
after being struck by an airliner, but rather an entire city being
consumed in a mushroom cloud, courtesy of a place called Dimona and
a criminal organization known as Mossad.
2008 by Mark Glenn
One Can Only Pray
The value of the USS
Liberty is that it can be the cornerstone to expose Israel's 70 year
history of
False Flags. We must now admit that
Abu Nidal's 30 year reign
of hijackings, the Madrid Train Bomb, the 1983 murder of
243 marines in
Beirut, and others were all False Flags.
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