Why Is Russian Bombing Remote
Russian Bombers Hit Small Towns
Killing 1500
What Makes This Special
Oil Is The Real Reason For The
Notice The Israeli Military
Shimon Peres Relays Messages
Through Putin
Skip Through All The Hokas Pokas
The line "Georgian separatists battle Russians for freedom" is
nonsense. The real reason is White Russians in Georgia want to control
the pipeline and future oil fields, and the Bolsheviks say "No". The
Bolsheviks/Communists/Zionists have controlled Russia since the 1917
They will probably kill the peasants the same way they did from 1917
through 1940.
Anatoly Afanasevich Medvedev
Medvedev was born to Anatoly Medvedev and Yulia Shaposhnikova,
both university professors. His
mother is Jewish. He married a
Svetlana Linnik He attended Leningrad State University on a special
scholarship, and graduated with a law degree. He was an administrator in
the Soviet of People's Deputies, aka Secret Police.
Medvedev is a Bolshevik.
Medvedev Ordered The Massacre Of Civilians
In the first hours of August 8, 2008 massed incursion of Georgian
troops and armor to a
South-Ossetian-controlled territory
and repeated shelling of Tskhinvali began. AFP, quoting a
spokesman of the Georgian Interior Ministry, stated that three Russian
Sukhoi Su-24 aircrafts intruded into Georgian airspace attacking some
targets in the Tskhinvali region. About 1400 civilians are reported to
have been killed in the Georgian heavy weapon strike.
"We Oligarchs, We Own The Oil"
The pigs that run Russian today are all
Jewish descendants of the original
Darfur, Georgia, Iraq, And Iran
All these wars are orchestrated by world Zionism. The Sudan sits on a
massive oil fields so Israel's mercenaries in Chad bomb Darfur villages
at night, and blame the Muslim leadership in Khartoum. Iraq wasn't about
WMDs, it's about the Mosul oil fields. The coming conflict in Iran is
about the
Zargos oil belt.
The tactic of bombing civilians (Kosovo, Dresden, Hamburg, Georgia)
is the old line Bolshevik tactic of mass terror. If it wasn't for
today's improve communication network the Bolsheviks would march them
out to the desert and starve them, just like they did to
3.7 million Armenians in 1915.
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