Monday, January 7, 2013

Another Zio-Ponzi Scheme Collapses

$140 Million Is Missing

Anti-Semitism At Its Worst

They Will Be Out On Bail In Ten Minutes

Trader Ross Mandell charged in $140M stock scam

Wall Street bad boy Ross Mandell was nabbed Wednesday in a $140 million global boiler-room scheme that stretched from Brooklyn to the United Kingdom. As his corporation Sky was losing millions, Mandell was bankrolling a lavish lifestyle of five-star hotels, countless blonde gentile women, first-class travel to London and a decorator to doll up his penthouse apartment at the Trump UN Plaza, the feds say.

And Mandell, 52, of Boca Raton, Fla., used stolen loot to pay for adult entertainment and child care, they say. Five other Jewish employees were also charged in the civil complaint, filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

In 2004, the SEC says, Mandell lied to investors when he claimed Sky was about to be sold to a German bank. When the deal fell through, Mandell told the investors the bank wanted him to work there for three years but he couldn't because he is Jewish, the complaint says.   9

Worries About Fleeing To Israel
Mandell maintains he is fighting cocaine and alcohol addictions, and needs bail. He has $140 million sitting in a Tel Aviv bank, and I have to believe he will be on a jet to Israel, if he gets bail.


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