Beware of Jews Bearing Gifts

Gentiles Need To Stay
Call me cynical and a curmudgeonly
writer if you want to, but I believe that all of us (non-Jews) must
beware of Jews bearing gifts. Every other day someone in this
movement (anti-Zionism and anti-Jewish supremacism) will smile and
assure us that “Oh, not all those Jews are bad. Look at so-and-so.
Zionists Want To Be Part Of Us
He’s a great Jew who agrees with
us. You see, it has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do
with how a person thinks!” Or you might get a silly disclaimer like
“I’m not anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish. I’m just anti-Zionist.” This
is the foolish tripe and equivocation of the politically correct. As
long as Jews continue to align themselves against us as a hostile
minority that wishes to destroy our societies, I AM ANTI-SEMITIC, or
better yet, ANTI-JEWISH and I am proud of it. When Jews change their
behavior, then my attitude towards them will also change accordingly.
For you see, I only wish to live upon this planet and for my people
to live, and Jews are the main impediment to that simple wish. I
won’t apologize for not trusting them and don’t you dare stammer and
genuflect for “fear of the Jews” either.
Beware Of Marranos
Yet the Marranos or Conversos (Jews
who converted to Christianity or pretended to) and the anti-Zionist
Jews (Neturei Karta International) parade themselves before us as
our friends, our compadres, our fiercely loyal allies. Well excuse
me for being just a tiny bit suspicious. It’s just that Jews don’t
have a great track record of loyalty, full disclosure or honesty
toward non-Jews. In fact, they have a sordid history of the worst
kinds of obfuscation, misrepresentation, deceit, intrigue,
double-dealing and dirty deeds when it comes to their interactions
with our people.
Who Should We Trust And Embrace?
But because of our trusting
natures, we are more than willing to take Jews at their word and
give them the benefit of the doubt. If they tell us they have
converted to our point of view, our religion, our ideology, etc. we
rush to embrace them, ignoring the abundance of caveats and all the
extant writings and scribblings of the past which scream “Beware of
Jews bearing gifts!” I won’t toss aside the warnings of great
orators, statesmen, thinkers, theologians and artists simply to
placate the PC brigades or to avoid hurting an individual Jew’s
feelings. This is not to say that there are not Jews who have
sincerely broken with the Talmudic bigotry of their upbringing. They
do exist. I only ask for a little caution and, dare I say, maybe a
spoonful of cynicism.
Are The Movements Infiltrated?
There are particular organizations
in the Euro-American freedom movement which have succumbed to Jewish
influence. I won’t name these organizations, but what they have in
common are that their attitudes toward organized Jewry warmed
considerably once Jews were permitted on board. This is the danger
of a Jewish intellectual influx and it does not happen by
coincidence. The insertion of Jewry into the intelligentsia of any
political movement always leads to subversion of its original
mission, if not to the thorough annihilation of that mission.
Keep An Eye On The Fifth Column
This is why I believe that under
NO circumstances should Jews be allowed to assume leadership
positions in the anti-Jewish supremacist cause, though perhaps their
assistance could be utilized at the lower levels of activism. Yet
even this is a two-edged sword. It could lead to intellectual
dilution or aberration on the one hand, but it could also blunt the
charges of “anti-Semitism” coming from Big Jewry’s legions, though
this is exceedingly doubtful.
Trusting Snake Oil Salesmen
I don’t believe it is at all
unreasonable to feel trepidations about allying ourselves with
members of the very Tribe who brought us Communism, Zionism,
egalitarianism, radical feminism, homosexual liberation, the New
Left, the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory, deconstructionism,
modern liberalism, neo-conservatism and the squalor of
integration, open borders and big government socialist policies
in America. If these are the gifts the Jews are bearing, then we
should definitely beware.
Patrick Grimm
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