Here Is How We
Picture A Typical Commando

But Here Is The Truth

in US Embassy in Kabul Afghanistan summer 2009
Juiced Up On Ecstasy And Getting A Hand-Job

Are These Army Special Forces? - Not A Chance

You will Notice Some Dark-Skinned Israelis

An Israeli Favorite Is The Sh*tting Contests

Here Is Why The Tattoos Above Are Blurred Out

The Lion Of Judah

The Jewish Lettering And Star

A Masada Warrior

This Is What Israelis Do At Remote Outposts

Blackwater In New Orleans During Katrina

So Who Are These Mercenaries?
They are mostly malleable white thugs, ex-cops, and adventure seekers. These are not the Navy Seals and Army Green Berets that everyone tells you these contractors are. The companies Zapata, Blackwater, Aegis, CACI,, etc are run by Zionists. If you think about it, just who would you hire? Do you want a black gang from Chicago, or Mexicans gangsters from Houston, or whites from Pelican Bay? You couldn't control them, and they would probably shoot you.
The lower echelons are mainly ex-cops, academy drop-outs, and lower ranking, hand-picked military. The upper echelon are Israelis or white Zionists. They want guys that sit behind a M-60 or similar machine gun, in a humvee, that will spray civilian crowds of Afghanis, Iraqis, Iranians, and eventually Americans.
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